U.A.E. 2017-2019

Grade 6/7 Social Studies Teacher 

Grade 6 Team Leader and Orientation Coordinator

Pictured Above: Co-hosting the staff talent show in 2019 with an audience of over 600 people.

Pictured Above: Took staff on a tour of Dubai including a stop at the Dubai Frame. Pictured Left: Filming an orientation video at the world famous Queen Elizabeth 2.

Pictured Above: My robotic box project when I learned to use Scratch.  I was trained in STEAM and innovation at the Carnegie Mellon University in 2017 as I prepared for my time in Dubai. 

Pictured Above: Students program Pepper the Robot to present their social studies innovation project.  I also used Pepper for assemblies to present ideas and share information.

Pictured Above: Students in Borneo helped build a community center. They also learned about conservation efforts in Malaysia.

Pictured Above and Left: Tanzania service learning trip involved helping a local school in Kilimanjaro to build a drainage system.